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How Can I Change my Flight on WestJet? - 1-888-937-8538

How Much Does it Cost to Change Flight WestJet?

Are you a passenger looking to change your flight’s destination or travel date? Knowing the WestJet Change Flight rules allows you to save more on travel expenses during emergencies. As per the rule, you can modify your booking for free once within 24 hours of booking. However, there are other terms & conditions as well.

Let’s review the process to change your flight online/ offline.

WestJet Airlines Change Flight Policy

The WestJet Change Flight policy allows you to reschedule the date/ destination of your flight on WestJet Airlines for free. You must pay the fee when less than 24 hours are left for your flight to depart.

While you modify your flight on WestJet Airlines, you must also pay the fare difference. If your new ticket is cheaper, the rest of the difference will go to your Travel Bank Credit for a future booking with the airline.

How to Change a WestJet Flight?

You can modify your flight on WestJet Airlines online by logging into the official website or offline by calling the reservations. 

Method 1: Visit The Official Website

  1. Open the official homepage: WestJet.com
  2. Next, click the Manage Trips menu.
  3. Further, choose Manage Flights from the drop-down.
  4. Now, you can sign in for flight change on WestJet Airlines. 
  5. Or, enter your reservation code and last name on the Find your trip form.
  6. Press search and review your booking details.

Finally, you can modify your flight details (date/ destination/ time) and pay the WestJet change flight fee (if applicable). You will soon receive a confirmation email and a link to download the new e-ticket.

Method 2: Contact Customer Service

  • Firstly, dial the WestJet change flight contact number 1-888-937-8538.
  • Wait for the IVR instructions to guide you for different services.
  • Press the key that connects you to flight change services.
  • Or, dial the key that lets you talk to someone at WestJet.
  • Once your call connects, provide the agent with booking details & last name.
  • Also, give them alternative destination/ date details so that they find a new flight.
  • Once you’ve picked a suitable flight, pay the applicable flight change fee.

Dial 24/7 WestJet change flight phone number 1-888-937-8538 or 1-860-374-7617, and speak to a live agent to change your reservation’s date/ time/ itinerary. The live expert will receive your payment and send you a confirmation message with an option to download your new e-ticket.

How Much Does It Cost to Change My Flight on WestJet?

You don’t need to pay any fee to modify your flight on WestJet Airlines once. However, more than 24 hours must be left before the plane’s departure to use the free facility. 

Refer to this table to know if fare difference and service fee are applicable for your flight change on WestJet Airlines or not:

Bookings Made On/ After Sept:

Ticket TypeEcono (Basic)Econo


Flight Route
Flight within Canada100-118 Can$Fee Not Applicable100-118 Can$100-118 Can$
Flight from Canada (except Europe)100-118 Can$Fee Not Applicable100-118 Can$100-118 Can$
Flight b/w Canada and Europe150-177 Can$

99 EUR

83 GBP

Fee Not Applicable300-354 Can$

228 EUR

192 GBP

500-590 Can$

381 EUR

321 GBP

Bookings Made On Or Before Aug 31:

Change fee for:Econo (Basic)Econo


More Than 60 Days Left For Departure
Flight within Canada50–59 Can$No fee50–59 Can$100-118 Can$
Flight from Canada (except Europe)50–59 Can$/USD25-30 Can$/USD50–59 Can$/USD100-118 Can$/USD
Flight b/w Canada and Europe100-118 Can$

68 EUR

56 GBP

100-118 Can$

68 EUR

58 GBP

100-118 Can$

68 EUR

58 GBP

400-472 Can$

264 EUR

224 GBP

Equal To/ Less Than 60 Days Left For Departure
Flight within Canada100-118 Can$No fee100-118 Can$100-118 Can$
Flight from Canada (except Europe)100-118 Can$/USD$100-118 Can$/USD100-118 Can$/USD$100-$118 
Flight b/w Canada and Europe250-295 Can$

165 EUR

138 GBP

250-295 Can$

165 EUR

138 GBP

250-295 Can$

165 EUR

138 GBP

400-472 Can$

264 EUR

224 GBP

Other Fare Regulations:

  • WestJet change flight time is 24 hours from the time of booking if you want to modify the flight for free.
  • With flexible fares, you don’t need to pay any fee; only the fare difference applies.
  • A change fee is applicable per person per direction. 
  • In Europe, a fee applies per person per transaction.
  • No change is permitted for basic fares.
  • Flights departing within 24 hours of booking must pay the WestJet Airlines change flight fee.

For more clarity, dial WestJet change flight number 1-860-374-7617 or 1-866-693-7853 and know your free flight change eligibility and the status of your booking.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I contact WestJet customer service?

Customer Service:

Canada & USA: 1-866-693-7853

WestJet Agent: 1-860-374-7617

Vacation Enquiry: ​1-877-737-7001

Baggage Enquiry: ​1-403-444-2581

Hearing Impaired: 1-877-952-0100

Contact WestJet Agent to change your flight and skip waiting time 24/7.

Can I reschedule my WestJet flight?

Surely, you can. WestJet change flight within 24 hours of booking the ticket, provided more than one day is left for departure, is completely free. When less than a day is left to depart, you have to pay charges to change or cancel your flight. Also, basic fares don’t have the facility to change their flight.

What happens if WestJet changes my flight?

Even if a flight has been delayed by 3+ hours due to reasons beyond WestJet’s control, you get a confirmed reservation on the next available flight. Also, travel arrangements will be available to some extent for the next flight. The airlines will refund any in-flight purchases if you don’t get them on an alternative flight.

How to change WestJet flight?

  1. Go to official site: WestJet.com
  2. Click Manage Trips.
  3. Visit Manage Flights.
  4. Now, Sign in for flight change on WestJet Airlines. 
  5. Enter reservation code /last name on the Find your trip form.
  6. Press search and choose change this flight option.

Can you get a refund from WestJet?

For canceling or changing your flight, the amount/ fare difference will go to a Travel bank credit. Any paid portion with WestJet dollars will also get returned to the original account, and the expiry date will apply. However, the standard WestJet flight change fee will apply if you change your flight within 24 hours of departure.