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Flying Internationally During Pregnancy Time? Read Here

How Can I Fly Internationally During Pregnancy Time?

Traveling while pregnant is not something to worry about, and most women travel at that time. However, it’s essential to consider several important factors that may affect your international travel while pregnancy. Therefore, you may think about the potential problems and be ready to counter any of them when they occur.  Hence, if you are also thinking about taking an international flight during pregnancy, you must know some of the basic things to avoid any mishaps or issues.

International Travel during Pregnancy, is it safe?

Internationally During Pregnancy

According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, the most innocuous time for international travel for women is in the second trimester of pregnancy, which is 14 to 28 weeks. This is when you feel your best. You also have the minimum risk of premature birth or involuntary abortion. 



Furthermore, if it’s been 28-40 weeks of your being pregnant, many attending gynos and obstetricians recommend staying within 300 miles of home because of potential problems such as phlebitis, high blood pressure, and false or premature delivery. Generally speaking, women are not allowed to travel anywhere domestic by air if it’s been 36 weeks. Also, they can not travel internationally after 28 to 35 weeks.

However, the decision of whether to travel during the entire time of pregnancy and how far is a matter of consideration. Therefore, it should be a joint decision between you and your healthcare provider or midwife.

Besides, you may further consider how to get quality health care in the countries/regions you visit. Get all the vaccinations you need before pregnancy instead of waiting for vaccinations. Also, contact the American airlines booking team to ensure your travel is even safer.

Does flying while Pregnant pose a risk?

Well, flying by plane will not cause the risk of cosmic radiation to the fetus of most pregnant women. However, crew members and women who fly frequently may exceed the radiation limit.

According to the CDC, pregnant women with the following diseases may be advised not to travel to countries/regions that require pre-travel vaccines. This list may be incomplete. Therefore, before planning a trip, discuss your health history with your provider or midwife:

  • Miscarriage History
  • Incompetent cervix
  • Current or History of Placental abnormalities
  • Ectopic pregnancy history.
  • Severe Anemia
  • Heart valve disease or Congestive heart failure
  • Chronic Organ Problems that need treatment

This list may be incomplete, so check with your doctor before planning the international flight during pregnancy. Besides, the CDC guidelines also do not allow women to travel abroad where the places may have hazards.

Health tips for traveling during pregnancy

The following are tips for traveling during pregnancy:

  • Try to plan ahead for any problems or emergencies that may arise before the trip. Check if your health insurance is valid when you are abroad. Suppose you give birth while out. Also, check whether the plan covers newborns. You may want to consider purchasing supplementary travel and medical evacuation insurance.
  • You may research the medical facilities at your holiday destination. Also, pregnant women in the last trimester should look for ways to control pregnancy complications.
  • If you need prenatal care while abroad, please arrange it before you leave. Talk to your midwife or healthcare provider to find out the best way to deal with this problem.
  • Know your blood type and check if the blood in the area you will visit has been screened for HIV and hepatitis B.
  • Check your destination for safe meals and drinks, like bottled water, pasteurized milk, and healthy food.
  • If you are flying, please request an aisle seat on the bulkhead. This provides you with maximum space and comfort. If morning sickness is a problem, try to arrange travel at a time of the day when you usually feel good. The seats above the wing in the mid-wing area will provide you with the smoothest ride experience.
  • Furthermore, you may try to walk within every thirty minutes during the flight. Do not forget to Bend and stretch your ankles frequently to prevent blood clots in the veins.
  • Fasten your seat belt at the level of your pelvis below your hips.
  • Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated. The cabin has low humidity.
  • Rest as much as possible when going out.

What to do when Flying international during pregnancy?

  • Firstly, check the airline’s policies because Guidelines for pregnant women may vary by carrier and destination.
  • After that, fasten your seatbelt on the plane. During the journey, tie your belt under your abdomen.
  • Also, do not forget to promote circulation. Occasionally walking up and down the aisle. If you must stay seated, bend and stretch your ankles regularly. Also, avoid wearing tight clothing. Using compression stockings may help.
  • Drink more water. Low humidity in the cabin can cause dehydration.
  • Make sure you Avoid gaseous food and drinks before flying. Because, Entrained gas expands at altitude, which can cause discomfort. Examples include broccoli and carbonated drinks.
  • Finally, Always Develop emergency plans. Consider how to get obstetric care on the go if necessary.

If you want to know more, you can contact the Jetblue Booking team and speak with their expert for the needed help, or you can get in touch with our agents who work day night to provide you with excellent services.