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How to Redeem & use Air Canada Travel Voucher?

How Do I Use or Redeem Air Canada Travel Vouchers?

Do you know that airline companies offer multiple travel options that allow flyers to purchase a service in the future? Air Canada Travel vouchers are one option for travelers whose flights were canceled by the airlines. The voucher has no expiry date and numerous opportunities to redeem it.

The travel voucher is one of the most flexible options to use Air Canada services as it allows you to redeem them on multiple services. Also, one can use it numerous times.

Hence, let’s understand how we can use the Air Canada travel vouchers.

How Does Air Canada Travel Voucher Work?

One can enquire about the air Canada travel voucher balance or redeem them online or offline. Follow these step-by-step instructions and use the voucher until the full value is exhausted.

Method 1: Use The Official Website

  • Initially, pick a suitable Air Canada flight.
  • After that, select the rest of the journey details and go to the payments page.
  • Further, visit the payment summary option.
  • However, look for the Payment Information page if you redeem the travel voucher for a hotel package to Mexico/ the Caribbean’s (without group bookings).
  • When you arrive on the payments page, select Travel Voucher from Air Canada as your payment option.
  • Lastly, add Air Canada voucher details.

If some balance is left, proceed towards “add another payment method” and pay the rest via credit/ debit card.

Method 2: Use Air Canada Travel Voucher Contact

Passengers can also talk to someone at air Canada by dialing 1 (888) 247-2262 to redeem their future options on various services. The live representatives will help you redeem Air Canada voucher on the following services:

  • A new flight on the official channels of the airlines.
  • Booking hotel packages to Mexico
  • Buying accommodation/ hotel packages in the Caribbean region
  • Other in-flight amenities in Air Canada flights.

One cannot redeem the Air Canada travel voucher on Caribbean group reservations or any other third-party facility.

How Long is Air Canada Travel Voucher Good For?

Here are other notable features you wouldn’t wish to miss: the travel vouchers offered by Air Canada are valid forever and have no expiry date. All coupons issued for flights canceled by Air Canada after May 2020 have an unlimited validity period.

  • These future travel options are fully transferable.
  • A passenger can use them multiple times unless the full value is used.
  • It has a never-ending expiry date.

However, none of its features mean that Air Canada vouchers for sale are available. If Air Canada cancels your flight after May 2020, you could seek a voucher for such a flight online via the official website or customer service.

What are the Multiple Types of Air Canada Travel Vouchers?

Air Canada offers a variety of options that you can use to redeem fees, in-flight amenities, vacation and hotel packages, and other services. Learn which one is yours here:

Air Canada Travel Voucher: One can use this redeemable option many times until the user redeems the full value. Also, you can redeem this voucher for almost all services offered by Air Canada, except group travel in the Caribbean.

E-Travel Voucher: A passenger can use it to base fare while purchasing a flight reservation. You will get a 13-digit number in your Email that you can use during payment for any service you purchase. The voucher is acceptable on Air Canada Rouge, Express, and other domestic branches.

ACCredit: Using air Canada vouchers in this category is quite restrictive. You can use only some of the air travel and ancillary services that Air Canada and its domestic arms offer.

ECoupon: This is the last instrument the airline offers and sends to their passengers via Email. It’s a 15-digit number with 4 digit code that flyers can redeem during checkout on ancillary services.

If you’ve also Air Canada voucher not received, kindly apply for it online or offline as soon as the airline has canceled your ticket. Once your application is received successfully, it will be reflected in your account within 3 business days.

Air Canada Travel Voucher Terms & Conditions

Before you apply for or redeem your travel voucher with Air Canada, here are some rules that you must not ignore:

  • These vouchers are valid for redemption only at certain airports and kiosks. 
  • One cannot use the vouchers for buying flight passes, group travel, leaf club membership, cargo products, or any third-party service.
  • Review all contact details before applying for travel vouchers from Air Canada because the airline bears no responsibility if they are undeliverable.
  • One must review terms & conditions as they keep changing with time. One can get these updates on the official website.

Lastly, if your voucher has been damaged, stolen, lost, or destroyed, kindly get in touch with customer service to restore its probable value.


Experiencing unexpected changes in travel plans is common for passengers. Airlines like Air Canada step in as heroes in these situations by offering travel vouchers as compensation or refund for inconvenience caused.

Air Canada offers various types of vouchers to cater to different needs.

These vouchers are accessible around the clock and can be redeemed online or with the help of customer support. They serve as valuable compensation for cancelled flights, ensuring customers can use them for future travel arrangements.

As for the timeframe to receive an Air Canada travel voucher, the duration varies based on reason, verification processes, contact method and airline policies.

Although Air Canada aims to process these vouchers promptly, the exact duration is case-dependent.

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