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Avianca seat selection: How Can I select a seat on Avianca Flight?

How Do I Choose My Seat on Avianca Airlines?

seat selection on Avianca Flights

Who wouldn’t want to enjoy the skies during their air travel or choose an aisle chair as their comfort spot? The flexible Avianca seat selection policy helps you pick your preference in advance after paying a fee that depends upon multiple factors.

If you want to pick a seat in advance, you can do it during or after your reservation with the airline. Also, you can choose to make a selection via customer service or the official website, as per your preference.

Read the blog and find out how to book your Avianca seats for an upcoming journey smoothly.

Types of Seat Selection on Avianca Airlines

Passengers can choose Avianca seat selection of three options to reserve their preferred location during the flight. Every seat comes at a different budget and offers further benefits. Find out what choices suit your comfort level.

  • Avianca Plus Seats: These are chairs in the front row of the aircraft, offering more legroom. You can enjoy more comfort and privacy on “Avianca premium seats.” These seats have exclusive luggage racks and an amenity kit. 
  • Seats in special locations: Passengers can choose emergency or due seats (either aisle or window). Standard seats are also available when you want to fly with family members or friends. 
  • Empty Seat: When you wish for more privacy or space, you can ask for an empty seat near the airport. As per Avianca seat selection policy for an open seat, you have to pay the applicable fare.

Five available chairs are Flatbed, Premium, Plus, Economy, and Emergency Exit seats. Before paying for the seat, kindly check the type of chair from these five types. 

How to Purchase Avianca Seat Selection Online?

The Avianca Airline seat selection facility is accessible during or after reservation, at customer service or sales offices, and on the service counters at the airport. Find out how to get your favorite seat from any of these methods.

Online From The Website

  • Visit the official site of the airlines.
  • Further, click the “≡” symbol and find Your Booking.
  • Click the manage your booking option.
  • After that, click the change your flight button, which will redirect you.
  • Add the reservation number and the primary passenger’s last name.
  • Furthermore, press the search button and look for the “Avianca select seats” option.
  • Follow the rest of the prompts until you arrive at the payments page.

You can now pay for the seat selection and reserve your choice in advance. Besides, you can book your seat right when buying your reservation. Otherwise, you can get your favorite seats from available chairs during check-in. 

By Calling Avianca Customer Service

  • To select a seat on Avianca through an agent, dial 1 (800) 284-2622.
  • After that, choose your language from English, Spanish, or Portuguese.
  • Wait for the IVR to respond further and follow the key instructions.
  • Further, press the key to connect with the executive.
  • Provide your booking ID and last name to retrieve your booking.
  • Also, let them know your first and second preference for a seat. 
  • Subject to availability, they will book your seat or offer you alternatives.
  • Lastly, pay the quoted amount and service fee and secure your purchase.

Passengers can also find out more information about Avianca airlines seat selection by visiting the contact lines by location or checking out the nearest airline’s office.

Can I Select My Seat With Econo Avianca at The Airport?

You can arrive early at the airport’s service counters and request seat assignments from an agent. This service is free for M and L class travelers for an economy seat. Others may have to pay, regardless of the method they use for booking the seats. 

Avianca Seat Selection TypesXSSMLXXL
Flatbed seat

(for twin-aisle aircraft)

For A FeeFee ApplyFor A FeeFee ApplyFree
Premium seats

(rows 1-3 in single-aisle aircraft)

Fee ApplyFor A FeeFee ApplyFor A FeeN/A
Plus seat

(Emergency exit included)

For A FeeFee ApplyFor A FeeFreeN/A
Economy seat Fee ApplyFor A FeeFreeFreeN/A 

You may get some seats for free during online check-in if unclaimed seats are left during your check-in. Try to go at the earliest to get the desired seat last minute.

How Much Does Avianca Charge For Seat Selection?

Now that you’ve learned “how to select seats on Avianca flights?”, it’s necessary to find out the Avianca seat selection fee for your preferred seat. It will help you plan and sit together in case of a multi-person journey.

Country Of Flight’s OriginSeat Assignment TypeCharges to select your seat on Avianca (minimum)
North AmericaEconomyUSD 10
Emergency ExitUSD 30
Plus$ 40
PremiumUSD 80
Between Central American countries (El Salvador, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama)EconomyUSD 4
Emergency Exit$ 18
PlusUSD 20
PremiumUSD 20

To select a seat through the different options and find the latest fee for your flight, dial Avianca Airlines customer service number at 1 (800) 284-2622.