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How Do I Cancel a Vueling Flight? | Cancellation Flights

How Do I Cancel A Flight With Vueling Airlines?

If you have booked a flight with Spanish low-cost airline Vueling, you need to know your options if travel plans change. The Vueling cancel flight policy provides you travel credits for future flights with the airline if you decide you cancel a booking with them. Also, only some reservations are eligible for cancellation.

For example, you can cancel Vueling flights with TimeFlex addition till 48 hours before departure and future credits equivalent to the booking amount.

Read below to find out how cancellation rules apply to your Vueling flight to make informed decisions.

Vueling Flight Cancellation Policy

Before learning to cancel Vueling flights via any medium, passengers must learn under what conditions they can cancel their reservation. Vueling has a restrictive policy when it comes to flight booking cancellations.

  • Passengers facing critical situations, such as court summons, illness, or surgery, can cancel their flight. They must provide the documents that prove their inability to continue with the journey via customer services.
  • Flex pack fare holders can cancel Vueling flights 48 hours before departure by accessing their reservation.
  • You can’t edit reservations for one or a few people in a multi-person booking. The cancellation affects everyone on the reservation.
  • Passengers with TimeFlex Fares can cancel their booking 48 hours before the flight’s take-off by accessing their bookings.
  • If you have bought cancellation insurance, you have to make a claim via the website for a refund under the Vueling Cancel Flight policy.
  • Lastly, for any cancelation, the passengers will receive flight credits for future travel with the airline.

To access the flight credits received through booking cancellations, kindly open the email address inbox that you’ve used while booking the flight.

How Can I Cancel My Vueling Flight?

Travelers can cancel their flight through the website, mobile app, or customer service. However, customer service is the easiest way to use the Vueling cancellation policy. Follow the step-by-step methods to cancel your ticket faster.

Via The Official Website

  • Visit the official website vueling.com
  • Further, go to the travel menu.
  • Also, go to your booking to click the manage your booking option.
  • Next, access your ticket via the purchaser’s email or origin/ destination details.
  • Press GO to access your ticket to make changes.
  • Further, you must log in to cancel your ticket or make changes.

Follow the rest of the prompts to cancel your flight and place a Vueling refund request.

Through Customer Services Chat

  • Check out the official website.
  • After that, scroll down the homepage to find the Customer Services option.
  • Further, choose the Cancel booking menu from multiple options.
  • In the booking cancellation column, click the Customer Services page link.
  • Passengers can cancel and request a refund when they can’t travel for justified reasons.

Follow the rest of the prompts after Code and email or the airport and date option to cancel a Vueling Flight.

By contacting Vueling Customer Service

  • Visit the contact us page of Vueling Airlines.
  • Further, please Scroll down to the All our phone numbers menu.
  • After that, click the link until you find your country’s phone number.

Dial the global Vueling contact number 00 34 931 51 81 58 or other customer service numbers to use the Vueling cancel flight facility for your reservation.

Can You Cancel the Vueling Flight Within 24 Hours?

Passengers can change the date or time of their reservation with Vueling till 2 hours before the flight’s departure. Changes you make to the booking affect everyone on the reservation. Also, if you’ve made a mistake while booking the ticket, you have 24 hours from the time of buying the ticket to change the date, time, or day of the flight for free.

However, it doesn’t implies that you can cancel a Vueling Flight for free. Under most circumstances, passengers can’t withdraw their flight with Vueling once they’ve made the booking. If they have flex fares, they can cancel the reservation to receive flight credits for future travel. Also, if they must cancel a trip for justified reasons, the airlines will refund the booking amount as credits for future flight bookings.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Can you cancel a Vueling flight?

Suppose passengers have TimeFlex Fare reservations with Vueling airlines. In that case, they can cancel their reservation upto 48 hours before the flight’s departure and receive the complete amount as travel credits for future flight bookings. For any cancellation, Vueling provides a refund in the form of credits.

Can I get a refund on my Vueling flight?

If you can no longer fly with Vueling for reasons such as illness, court summons, or surgery, you can request a refund in flight credits. Passenger has to show documents that prove that they are unable to fly. Once the request is accepted, Vueling will refund the amount.

How To Cancel Vueling Flight?

Passengers can call Vueling customer service or visit the manage my booking section from the official website to cancel their flight with the airline. Besides, they can also download the latest version and access the manage my booking option from the mobile app.

Can I cancel my Vueling flight due to COVID?

To cancel your flight because of COVID, the passenger has to opt for the option of cancelation due to justified reasons to cancel their flight.