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Disclaimer – cancellationflights



“Cancellations Flights” reserves the authority to amend the notices, conditions, terms, and regulations under which the website provides services, including but not bound to the charges of the services offered through the website. The customer shall be liable for regularly examining these conditions, terms, and regulations.

The customer hereby accepts and agrees that he has read and understands the pre-stated terms and conditions of Cancellations Flights. 

Our website shall not be held responsible for-

The customer shall proceed further and make a reservation with us only if he accepts and agrees to our Terms and Conditions. 

Other carriers that publish services and travel on our site are independent contractors, and Cancellations Flights shall not be held responsible for the accuracy of the information provided by them. 

The customer shall accept and agrees to certain points, that are-

Cancellations Flights and its associates don’t provide any guarantee of the correctness of the ratings mentioned on the site. These are general guidelines only, and we shall not be held responsible for its precision. Furthermore, Cancellations flights shall not be held responsible for the availability of certain products and services. 

Cancellations Flights and its associates are not responsible for refunds in case of flight delays, refunds, or any other events that are beyond our purview.

By making use of this site, the customer hereby accepts that he is bounded by conditions and terms stated on this page. The customer has to agree to these regulations, terms, and conditions if he wants to access this website.