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How Do I Select my Seat on Sun Country?

Sun Country Charge for Seat Selection

Are you looking for a seat selection process in Sun Country? Do you want to know how much it will cost to select your desired seat on the plane? Sun Country is a low-cost carrier that offers various exciting services to its passengers. The seat selection process is just one of them that makes the passenger choose their desired seat on the plane. If you have also used Sun Country Book a flight process, you can get benefits of this fantastic facility. 

So if you have already made a booking with Sun Country or looking forward to making one, you can select your seats. Now, if you are willing to sit on your preferred seat on board, choose this service. Read more to find out about the process and cost of seat selection.

Various Ways to select a seat on Sun Country!

Before moving on to the Sun Country booking or seat selection process, you may know how you can select a seat and the number of ways for seat selection.

  • While making Sun Country Airlines Bookings.
  • During the check-in process, after you have booked a flight.
  • Using the Advance Seat Selection option
  • Or via Seat Upgradation service.

Passengers can use any of the options mentioned above to choose their preferred seats.

Seat Selection Process: Cost of Selection and the seat Selection process

The fee for selecting a seat of your choice on Sun Country Airlines is not predetermined. The actual cost of selecting Sun Country seats depends on various factors including, trip type, date and time of your travel, and your route for traveling. Seat Selection cost ranges from 2 USD to 35 USD according to your selection. 

Selecting a seat will also be based on other factors. However, if you do not select a seat in advance, you’ll get a random seat assignment. The airline will choose a seat, and there won’t be any seat selection fee to be paid.

Steps to select a seat on Sun Country Airlines

  • Open any web browser on your device and visit the official website of Sun Country airlines.
  • Hit the web Check-in button and proceed to the seat assignment option.
  • Select the name of the passenger who will check-in with their travel details and choose the seat for each passenger.
  • Seat maps will only display the available seats to you, and you cannot select a seat if it is already taken.
  • If there is still time left for departure and you have not chosen a seat while seat selection, you can still choose your seat using the Manage booking tab.
  • Login using your details such as the last name on the ticket and booking reference ID, and you’ll select your seat.
  • Confirm your selection and complete the payment process.

Once you are done, you’ll have a seat assigned with your Sun Country Booking, and you can look forward to enjoying your journey with the airline. If you have any questions, call the airlines’ contact number and ask the agents for quick solutions.

Related Post: Will I get Sun Country Airlines Tickets for a Low Price at the airport?

Seat Selection with Sun Country Airlines

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