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How do I get my JetBlue boarding pass by Phone

How can I obtain my boarding pass for JetBlue on my phone?

There are many different ways for obtaining the JetBlue Boarding pass. The most convenient option is to perform online check-in on the official website  for JetBlue Reservations and print your boarding pass at home or office. With online check-in, you can go directly to the designated baggage check area, or, if you have no checked baggage, you can go directly to the boarding gate after arriving at the airport. On the contrary, you can obtain a boarding pass at the airport by using a JetBlue agent to check-in or using a self-service kiosk.

Follow these simple Steps to obtain the boarding pass on Phone:

  • Visit JetBlue’s official website at least 24 hours before the scheduled flight departure time.
  • Select the check-in option. 
  • Enter your flight details and check-in for the flight
  • Download the obtained boarding pass.

Customers can also take advantage of mobile check-in by downloading the new 2.0 version of JetBlue’s app to their iPhone or iPod touch device and checking in. 

  • Every online boarding pass is displayed as a two-dimensional encrypted barcode, as well as customer and flight information, which can be scanned by TSA security personnel to verify the authenticity of the boarding pass at the checkpoint. 
  • Customers can present the same digital pass at the boarding gate to simplify boarding procedures.

For more information contact JetBlue Telefono and ask the airline experts about the check-in and also get informed on how you can obtain the mobile boarding pass. The airline agent will be happy to help you.

Important Guidelines to remember

More and more airlines allow you to save your boarding pass on third-party applications. This means there is no need to search emails or download those airline apps. On the iPhone, you can store your boarding pass on the Passbook app and use it with airlines JetBlue Airlines.

Note that You cannot check in online 90 minutes before the departure time. In this case, please use a self-service check-in kiosk or JetBlue agent to print a boarding pass.

  • Enter the requested information  on the official JetBlue website, i.e,  your ticket confirmation number, first name, last name and departure city. 
  • Choose your seat and the number of luggage to check. 
  • After entering all the required information, please click the “Check in” button to confirm your check in.
  • Print the boarding pass by selecting the box labeled “View Boarding Pass”. After completing the check-in process, this option will appear.
  • After boarding, you can go to JetBlue Reservations official website and click “Manage your flight” to reprint your boarding pass.
  • If you use a self-service kiosk at the airport, you need to provide the same information as for online check-in. 
  • After printing the boarding pass, put all checked luggage in the baggage check-in area.

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