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Air Canada Group Travel | Booking Request Form

Air Canada Group Travel

Are you traveling in a group and don’t know how you can find a perfect flight? Do you wish to travel by Air Canada with ten or more passengers in the same itinerary? Well, you can simply book flight tickets online and add your travel companions with you. You can therefore fly with your favorite travel companions.

If you want to book travel online with the whole family, you can book an Air Canada flight online and get more benefits from choosing affordable tickets online. It is said that when you decide to travel to your favorite destination online with your family or friends, you need to choose a special flight booking service to help you get a flight booking in a short time.

How does Air Canada Group Travel Work?

The most important thing is that while selecting group bookings or air tickets online, you should have complete flight service information. Resultantly, you can select multiple passengers together.

Moreover,  it allows you to choose the best seat and cabin to fly, enjoy your flight journey perfectly, and make you every trip unforgettable. If you have selected a flight and want to book a flight with at least ten people, you need to choose Air Canada Group Booking. This is a way to get an affordable ticket and easily get all the features and services at a lower cost.

Air Canada Group Booking Process

If you want to know the process of a group booking, you can rest assured to book group booking tickets to travel on Air Canada without any trouble.

  • First, visit the reservation website, click the login button, and enter the correct email address and password to access. 
  • You should choose the booking process and booking type.
  • And then choose the advanced option. 
  • After that, You can enter the number of passengers and the names of all ten members, and then go to the next one. 
  • Click on personal information and fill in the details to complete the booking process and find the booking help immediately. 
  • You can choose an advance tab to select food, free Wi-Fi, entertainment, last-minute flight booking, reservations, seat selection, etc. 
  • You can choose your bank to pay online, and finally, receive the booking information on your mobile phone.

Save More with Huge Discounts on Air Canada Group Booking

If you are planning to book travel for a group of over ten in Air Canada, you should also know several perks of this service. Not only will you be able to travel with your complete family together, but you can also save more money on flights. ‘

Furthermore, the flights booked with Air Canada in a group usually cost less, and you enjoy better inflight amenities. And when talking about additional benefits, you can find many. Here are a few important perks associated with the Air Canada booking for groups.

Benefits of Booking Air Canada Group Travel

  • Passengers get discounted group travel fares up to eleven months before their flight’s scheduled departure.
  • Besides, you can just pay a booking fee and make group reservations for you and your family or friends.
  • Also, each passenger gets one checked baggage in the group booking.
  • There will even be a priority check-in facility for members in a group.
  • Depending on the number of passengers, Air Canada also offers complimentary tickets.
  • Moreover, you also get an advance seat selection service without charging with your Air Canada group booking.

Also, if you need you can take help from experts and confirm your group bookings with Air Canada. We have a dedicated team of experts working non-stop to offer exciting services for everyone. You can also reach us at our given contact numbers and receive help.

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