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How do I Transfer a Flight Ticket To Another Person?

Can I Transfer a Flight Ticket To Another Person?

Are you in search of airline tickets that are transferable? Or do you desire to transfer your ticket to someone else? Can you transfer, sell or give your airline tickets to others? In the United States, it usually doesn’t, but there are some exceptions. This is especially true when it comes to international travel. The three major airlines of the United States, Delta, American, and United, do not allow you to transfer your ticket to another person.

Therefore, you cannot. For “security reasons,” the airline restricts the possibility of transferring your ticket to someone. However, another reason is that if the transfer policy is still in effect, they are trying to prevent possible fraud. People can not just simply buy cheap tickets and sell them to others at a higher price. Few airlines, like with American Airlines Booking, you get to conversate with an airline agent who further helps you make certain changes to a booking. But you need to comply with the airline policies.

Airlines allow you to change the name on the ticket when:

  • If your name is wrong during the booking process or if you change your surname due to marriage or divorce, you can change or correct your name. 
  • In the latter two cases, you need to bring documentary evidence explaining the changes.

In any case, some airlines offering low-cost-fares have a way of transferring your tickets to another person:

  1. Frontier Airlines will allow you to change the name on your booking for a 75 USD fee. They do not just let you change a misspelling, but a complete name.
  2. Southwest airlines allow you to cancel your tickets and receive an e-credit voucher valid until one year after the ticket purchase.

So, how do you transfer a ticket to another person?

  • First, you need to check whether you have a transferable or non-transferable airline ticket. The e-ticket marked as restricted or non-transferrable cannot be transferred to another person. Suppose you fully paid for your business or first-class fare. There is a chance that you can transfer the ticket.
  • Further, after verifying the ticket transferability, you need to visit the official website of your airline and review their transfer or cancellation policy.
  • Then contact the airline and know more about transferring the tickets. Some airlines require you to call their agents or booking departments for detailed information.
  • After that, you need to completely explain the situation in front of the airline representative and determine your transfer options.
  • Also, note that airline’s rules, policies, and ticketing options may change. Therefore, the sole way to know if you can transfer your ticket to another person is by calling them and asking directly about it.

Further, if you are not able to transfer the ticket, you can choose to cancel your flights. Airlines like Delta Airlines Booking allows you to first cancel your original flight and after that, you can book for another person. Therefore, if you wish to change the flight to another person’s name, that is only possible after you cancel it initially. 

Furthermore, you can tend to the airline’s official policies and rules for more information about this service.